→我假假很忙~在忙很多咚咚~可是看起来很忙~但其实我米有那么忙=) →就算全世界都反對~哪怕千瘡百孔~我都義無反顧~奔向你懷裡跟你一起

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean IV

Just got back from Pirates of the Caribbean IV at Parade's Cinema.To be honest, after watching all of the Pirates' series all these years, besides the background musics are really damn great, I seriously have no idea what it's about. I can only focus when they are fighting over something or escaping, other than that like their talking part, I can never never never never ever concentrate because I always easily get distracted by a very simple background object.

Lastly, my comment about Pirates' series is the soundtracks ♪♫♩♬ are good!!

good night EVERYONE....^^